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An Open Educational Resource for General Chemistry

ChemVantage was founded in 2010 on the idea that the most effective learning takes place during repeated intermittent engagement with the subject material. Our LTI app connects to your class LMS and provides computer-scored assignments that give students immediate feedback to keep them progressing through the course.

Introducing Sage - an intelligent tutor for General Chemistry

Confucius Parrot

ChemVantage is pleased to introduce Sage, an AI-powered tutoring program for General Chemistry. Sage guides students through 146 key concepts taught in most Gen Chem courses, posing questions, providing help when necessary, scoring the answers, and providing detailed solutions. Questions are generally easier when a concept is first introduced, but get progressively more difficult until students are judged to have mastered each concept. Students are invited to ask Sage open-ended questions about each topic to ensure their understanding.

Try a free beta version of Sage now.

Browse the Question Item Bank

More than 5000 ChemVantage question items are free to use under the terms of a Creative Commons CC-BY License. Instructors can access the correct answers and full solutions through their campus LMS. Registration is free.


About Us

chem lab

ChemVantage provides high-quality online learning tools for students in college-level General Chemistry courses. The tools are designed to promote good study habits and effective problem-solving skills.

The founder and chief software architect of ChemVantage is Chuck Wight, who has taught General Chemistry since 1984 at the University of Utah, Weber State University and Salisbury University.

Learn More About ChemVantage
ChemVantage works with your learning management system using LTI

You create ChemVantage assignments in your LMS, and the scores are posted automatically to the LMS grade book. No student personal identifiable information (PII) is stored on ChemVantage servers, so your data are always secure.

Placement Exam

colorful chemicals
Getting students into the right course at the right time is essential.
The ChemVantage placement exam assesses:
  • Knowledge of basic chemistry.
  • Essential math skills.
  • Ability to interpret word problems.

We predict success in General Chemistry with up to 74% accuracy! This allows you to take the right mitigation steps, such as advising some students to take an appropriate prep course or to provide them with supplemental instruction to ensure their success.



ChemVantage is proud to partner with OpenStax, the largest provider of OER textbooks for General Chemistry. We provide tools that are aligned with the OpenStax Chemistry/2e and Chemistry: Atoms First/2e texts. The question items are organized by key concepts, so assignments can be customized to align with most other General Chemistry textbooks, too.

SmartText is an app that combines OpenStax reading assignments with adaptive questions covering key concepts in each chapter. This ensures that your students are reading and understanding the content in a timely way. We also offer quizzes as an alternative for those using other textbooks.
Short instructional videos focus on some of the more important key concepts. Many have embedded quizzes to keep students on their toes as they watch.
Choose from thousands of parameterized homework questions designed to challenge students. These are well-suited to group study because the correct answer is different for each student. We are also introducing computer-graded short essay problems, so you can ask questions that start with "Explain why..."
In-Class Polls
Short in-class polls are great for encouraging group work. Students work directly in the LMS with their WiFi-enabled laptop, tablet or phone. It's also a handy tool for tracking attendance in large classes.
Practice Exams
These combine short-answer items with more challenging word problems in a timed test that provides practice and builds confidence for your students before they take your in-class exam.

Try some example assignments


green flask
Lowest cost and highest value!
  • LTI registration and instructor accounts are free. Register Now
  • Each student license costs only $2 USD per month or $8 USD per semester (5 months). Students are prompted to pay via credit card, Venmo or PayPal at the first ChemVantage assignment.
  • Institutions may purchase 1-year student licenses in quantity for $5 USD per student. Minimum 10 licenses. Licenses are provisioned automatically to students as they access their first assignment. Contact for an invoice.
  • Individual 1-year license voucher codes may be purchased from Each code is redeemed at the first assignment in lieu of payment.